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About Astolat

'She knows not what the curse may be

and so she weaveth steadily,

and little other care hath she,

The Lady of Shalott.'

Astolat Bespoke was established and continues to be solely run by myself, Ava. During those terrible lockdowns, when we were all cursed to live in solitude like the poor Lady of Shalott, I found solace in sewing and garment contruction. I drew inspiration from the English countryside where I was living and it's astounding natural beauty, as well as from my borderline obsessive interest in the Pre-Raphaelites. Nowadays my work reflects a variety of influences, from Vivienne Westwood's punk era to Victorian corsetry to contemporary art and affairs.

Astolat Bespoke's ethos is centred around creating garments that are unique, beautiful and high quality - whilst causing as little damage to the environment as possible. We call it the anti-fashion brand because we don't believe in trends or fads, or in consuming for the sake of consuming. We're committed to using only second hand, vintage and antique fabrics that may other wise end up in landfill, and any new materials we do use are sourced from responsible manufacturers and small local businesses.

In this age of fast fashion and late stage capitalism, it is imperative that we re-think the way we create and consume. Astolat Bespoke has gone back to basics, slowing down the means of production and working with intention - striving for a fairer and healthier world - for us, and for Mother Nature too.